Thursday, June 18, 2009

Social Club

Mr. Pink: Back. I was in meetings all day.
Mr. Brown: holy shit, he returns
Mr. Pink: Big important stuff.
Mr. Brown: I've heard that before
Mr. Pink: Stuff you wouldn't understand.
Mr. Brown: so it must have been a meeting about being uncool
Mr. Pink: Damn you.
Mr. Pink: It was actually for a meeting for men who have the nickname "Tripod".
Mr. Pink: We meet once a month at the Denny's downtown.
Mr. Brown: were you there taking notes for an eligible member
Mr. Pink: No. I am a founding member.
Mr. Brown: isn’t that like MLK founding the KKK
Mr. Pink: Myself, Tyrone and a fellow named Lamar are the actual founders.
Mr. Pink: Trying to think of another black guy name, but couldn't.
Mr. Brown: how about Steve or John
Mr. Pink: Not black enough.
Mr. Brown: they have regular names too you know...racist
Mr. Pink: Not in my imaginary club they don't

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