Tuesday, June 9, 2009

JC in the House

Mr. Pink: I do a good job of writing proposals and we have put forth a pretty good offer. And the rest is out of my hands.
Mr. Brown: that is all you can do
Mr. Pink: The rest is in JC's hands.
Mr. Pink: That's right.....John Clark. He's the Safety Director.
Mr. Brown: after a three day vacation
Mr. Brown: and his amazing return...to work
Mr. Pink: Everyone always wants to go to lunch with John. Because he can turn water in Molson's or Kokanee.
Mr. Pink: It's Canada so I thought I should use beer in place of wine for that one.
Mr. Brown: I hear he bears a heavy cross...pen that is really nice
Mr. Pink: I also hear they had to tighten up the dress code because he was wearing a lot of robes to work.
Mr. Brown: I also heard he was the literal son of god, so he has that going for him
Mr. Pink: That's not a bad thing.

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